Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Note: The Sea Grinds Things Up
It’s going on now
as these words appear
to you or are heard by you.
A wave slaps down, flat,
Water runs up the beach,
then wheels and slides back down, leaving a ridge
of sea-foam, weed, and shells.
One thinks: I must
break out of this
horrible cycle, but
the ocean doesn’t; it
continues through the thought.
A wave breaks, some
of its water runs up
the beach and down
again, leaving a ridge
of scum and skeletal debris.
One thinks: I must break out of this
cycle of life and death,
but the ocean doesn’t; it
goes past the thought.
A wave breaks on the sand,
water planes up the beach
and wheels back down,
hissing and leaving a ridge
of anything it can leave.
One thinks: I must
run out the life
part of this cycle
then the death part
of this cycle
after the last word,
but this is not the last
word unless you think
of this cycle as some
perpetual inventory
of the sea. Remember:
this is just one sea
on one beach on one
planet in one
solar system in one
galaxy. After that
the scale increases,
so this is not the last word,
and nothing else is talking back.
It’s a lonely situation.
Alan Dugan, 1983

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Stella Winston: Installations & Assemblages 3

The third in an ongoing series. 

"Three little monkeys and pillow, yellow spoon and black toy railroad engine with cable box." Mixed media. 2014. 

Stella Winston: Installations & Assemblages 2

The second in an ongoing series. 

"Top of the back stairs. Fisher-Price barnyard animals on crib mattress and baby blanket". Mixed media. 2014. 

Stella Winston: Installations & Assemblages 1

The first in a series of documents of domestic artworks in three dimensions by our 5-year old artist in residence.

"Alligator with golf ball, coyote polished stones, and costume jewelry." Mixed media. 2014. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Galactic: Hey Na Na

Seeing this live at The Park West with B was one of the most euphoric live concert moments of my life. A vast room of people losing their freaking minds. Wow. I just got goosebumps remembering it. They are. Just. Too. Damn. Good.

Lucero: Women and Work

Their last album, Overton Park, was one of my very favorites of 2010. The addition of the horn section blew their sound up and added soul to the angsty blues/alt country sound they already had down pat. The new album is just as good, and I'm stoked to see them at Metro on April 7. This video is really just an audio track, but still worth it 'cause the song is so dang good.

And even more cool is that frontman Ben Nichols is from Little Rock, y'all! One of the best voices in rock today, IMHO.

In Honor of Chick's Leaving Atlanta (for the last time...)

The first single from Gentleman Jesse's new album, Leaving Atlanta. He's all Elvis Costello and Marshall Crenshaw and like of course I love it. (Though it is not the best video.)

Monday, February 13, 2012

C'est la Pop!

After Phoenix exploded the myth that there could never be a French pop music, Damien Robitaille takes it even further and French. Sacre bleu! But he does put in down with soul.

What's up with Canada? Is it trying to be the new Australia?