Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Fever

I know you'll probably see versions of this about ten million times during the Cup, but this really woke me up to the fact that the whole delirious show begins in about 3 weeks. Feel it!

This also reminded me of Nike's terrific Joga Bonito spots starring Eric Cantona during the 2006 Cup. Ole...ole ole ole...ole...ole...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why I Live at the P.O. (pace E. Welty)

At the post office in Little Rock recently, I was behind an elderly man who had slowly shuffled in, at great expense, apparently, to his aged knees and hips. Reaching the desk, he complimented the clerk on her reliable smile (a frequent customer, apparently). She parried and then asked the pro forma questions about his package--about the size and shape of a shoebox, wrapped in brown paper, with an address written on it in large capital letters.

"Anything perishable, flammable, etc., etc. in your package?"

"No," he replied, "Just normal."

"Just normal?" she chuckled.

"It's ball point pens," he said.

"Pens. Okay."

"They can't be refilled, but they're too nice to throw away, so I'm sending them back to the company."

The clerk did a masterful job of controlling her eyebrows at this point.

I imagined the work this mailing represented to the old man: saving the pens up over years, finding the company address in the collection of phone books in the public library, wrapping the box, driving to the P.O. The futile gesture was the fruit of a mind dedicated to the idea that quality, even in a disposable item, must be retained in the world. There is no effective composting for design elegance, a way to retain the beauty after the object is ground up in the treads of a bulldozer.

The old man paid for his postage, and then shuffled out, carefully, moving on to the next task is his lengthy and patient list.

As long as there is a next task, there is life. Take note of this.