Saturday, July 16, 2011


"A censor pronouncing a ban, whether on an obscene spectacle or a derisive imitation, is like a man trying to stop his penis from standing up," - J. M. Coetzee.

From the Daily Dish

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Reverse ferret!

This is one of the most colorful things I've learned about the English press as a result of the Murdoch/News of the World phone hacking scandal.

Reverse ferret: "Reverse ferret is a phrase used predominantly within the British media to describe a sudden volte-face in an organisation's editorial line on a certain issue. Generally, this will involve no acknowledgement of the previous position.
The term originates from Kelvin MacKenzie's time at the The Sun. His preferred description of the role of journalists when it came to public figures was to "stick a ferret up their trousers." This meant making their lives uncomfortable, and was based on the northern sport of ferret legging (where contestants compete to show who can endure a live ferret within their sealed trousers the longest).
However, when it became clear that the tide of public opinion had turned against the paper's line, MacKenzie would burst from his office shouting 'Reverse Ferret!'"